Blog Post Five
Remember when we lived in Dar es Salaam and I wrote some pretty creative updates?
Turns out my life in America doesn't lend itself to such creative updates. Maybe I've become boring? I mean, it's true. I know what type of yogurt to buy. I use a dishwasher everyday. I haven't been pulled over by the police in 20 months. I speak a different language occasionally just for fun, not out of necessity. Our kids are healthy - no rashes or fevers or bacterial infections.
I could write about our life here in Carnation, WA - attending the very best school and living in the very best neighborhood and living in the faithfulness of Jesus.
I don't think that is what y'all signed up for when you gave us your email address. You wanted updates from Tanzania. And (most of) you grew to love the creativeness of them.
I promise to keep trying to be creative but at the moment, I've got nothing but info for you :)
Due to covid and some other circumstances, Dan will be going to Tanzania with his dad this summer and we won't host a larger trip. We are deeply involved with a bigger trip for Spring 2022 - we will keep you posted on those details! If you'd like to be kept in the loop just let us know.
Thankfully, Hilbert and Neema and family have remained healthy and still attending school throughout the pandemic. Covid is not as present in Tanzania, mostly because it's tropical and they don't get the flu or anything like that. They have other issues, but covid is not one of them.
For the last 4.5 years we have rented a house and now would like to pursue buying. Buying would be much cheaper as they charge us a lot to rent being Americans. Also we would not have to run everything through the landlord, which has been doable but not easy. Dan and I personally cannot buy but we can buy through our government recognized organization. Right now we are considering either buying property and then building or buying a house that is already built. We are in need of about $75,000 for either of those options and trusting God to provide those funds. Please be praying for that with us and if you feel led to give specifically for that, do let us know. If you would like to know more of the granular details about this project, we are an open book! Just ask! But I didn't think I would lay it out for everyone who might not be interested. (above is a picture of a currently available property)
As always, with thankfulness and love for you who have been faithful to join us - Dan and Lindy and fam